February 14, 2025
Learn the 5 major ways to build a tribe or mutual assistance group in times of crisis. Find trustworthy, reliable, useful, suitable, and trainable individuals. Strengthen bonds, engage in training, and connect with like-minded individuals to create a reliable community.

In the video “5 MAJOR Ways To Build a Tribe l Divided We Fall” by Survival Dispatch, the speaker discusses the importance of forming mutual assistance groups or prepper groups. They highlight the need to truly get to know the people in these groups and build close relationships with them, emphasizing the acronym TRUST as a guide for identifying the right individuals: Trustworthy, Reliable, Useful, Suitable, and Trainable. The video also covers techniques for preparing for sudden violence during survival prepping training and the characteristics of a T.R.U.S.T Tribe Member. The importance of starting with oneself and becoming a trustworthy and reliable person is emphasized, as well as the significance of building a strong bond within immediate family. The speaker encourages engaging in training, challenging tasks, and volunteering to strengthen the bond within the group and connect with like-minded individuals. The video concludes by highlighting the importance of surrounding oneself with individuals who share similar values and beliefs and being a person that others can rely on in times of need.

The overall message of the video is to emphasize the significance of building a tribe or community that you can trust and rely upon in times of crisis. By forming strong bonds with trustworthy individuals and engaging in challenging experiences together, one can create a mutual assistance group that is equipped to handle difficult situations. The video also stresses the importance of personal growth and building a strong foundation within one’s immediate family. Ultimately, the goal is to surround oneself with reliable individuals who share similar values and beliefs, and to be a trustworthy and reliable person in return.

Heading 1: Introduction to Forming Mutual Assistance Groups

Subheading 1.1: Is it too late to join or create your mutual assistance group?

In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, forming mutual assistance groups, also known as M.A.G.s or prepper groups, has become an increasingly popular idea. But is it too late to join or create your own group? The answer is no, it’s never too late to start preparing for the future. However, it’s important not to wait until times become extremely desperate, as that may leave you ill-prepared to handle potential crises. So, whether you’re considering joining an existing group or starting your own, now is the time to take action.

Subheading 1.2: The importance of getting to know the people in your group

One crucial aspect of forming a mutual assistance group is getting to know the people within it. Building close relationships with group members is key to creating a strong and effective community. These are the people who you will rely on during potentially challenging times, so it’s essential to have trust and confidence in one another. By forming deep connections and understanding each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and skills, you can build a solid foundation for your mutual assistance group.

Subheading 1.3: The characteristics of a T.R.U.S.T Tribe member

When selecting individuals to be a part of your mutual assistance group, it’s important to consider certain qualities. To help guide you, the acronym TRUST can be used to identify the people you want in your tribe. A trustworthy person is someone who can be relied upon and has a strong moral character. A reliable individual is dependable and consistent in their actions. A useful person brings value to the group through their skills and abilities. A suitable member is compatible with the group’s goals and values. Finally, a trainable person is open to learning and improving their knowledge and skills. Keeping these characteristics in mind will help you choose the right people for your group.

Heading 2: Building a Strong Bond within Your Mutual Assistance Group

Subheading 2.1: Working hard together and observing how members operate under pressure

Once you have formed your mutual assistance group, it’s crucial to work hard with these people. This involves going through challenging times together, such as organizing work parties, engaging in survival challenges, and volunteering at local events. By actively involving yourself and your group members in these activities, you can see how they respond to pressure and how they operate as a team. Not all individuals in the group will be equal, so it’s important to choose wisely and observe their abilities and dedication.

Subheading 2.2: The role of training in strengthening the bond within the group

Engaging in training exercises and difficult tasks together is another way to strengthen the bond within your mutual assistance group. By undergoing training as a group, you not only acquire essential survival skills, but you also develop a sense of camaraderie. The experiences and challenges faced during training create shared memories and build trust among group members. Additionally, training allows you to assess each person’s capabilities and identify any gaps that need to be addressed for the group’s overall preparedness.

Subheading 2.3: The importance of surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals

When forming a mutual assistance group, it’s vital to surround yourself with people who share similar values and beliefs. Being part of a group that aligns with your principles creates a sense of unity and collective purpose. By fostering an environment where individuals are united in their goals, you can create a stronger and more effective mutual assistance group. Like-minded individuals are more likely to work together towards a common objective without conflicting interests or values.

Heading 3: Strategies for Building a Successful Mutual Assistance Group

Subheading 3.1: Building trust through persistence and problem-solving

Developing relationships within your mutual assistance group takes time and effort. Conflicts may arise, but it’s important to persist and find ways to resolve them. Building trust requires open communication, empathy, and problem-solving skills. By addressing conflicts and challenges in a constructive manner, you can strengthen the bond within your group and foster an environment of trust and cooperation.

Subheading 3.2: Leading by example and inspiring others to join

Rather than trying to change people’s minds, focus on being a role model within your community. Leading by example and engaging in good deeds can inspire others to join your mutual assistance group. Actions speak louder than words, and when others witness your commitment and reliability, they may be inspired to be part of the cause. Being a person that others can rely on in times of need and demonstrating problem-solving abilities will attract like-minded individuals to your group.

Subheading 3.3: Beware of impressive individuals who may not be trustworthy

When forming a mutual assistance group, it’s important to be cautious of individuals who may appear impressive but lack trustworthiness and reliability in their actions. Skills and abilities are important, but if someone does not take action or contribute to the group’s welfare, they may not be a suitable fit. It’s better to have a small group of morally righteous individuals with positive attitudes rather than a large group of skilled individuals who may not actively participate.

Heading 4: Conclusion

Forming a mutual assistance group is a proactive step towards preparing for an uncertain future. By following the strategies outlined and building a strong bond within your group, you can create a reliable and trustworthy community. Remember to prioritize your immediate family as the core of your mutual assistance group and engage in training activities to strengthen your group’s preparedness. Ultimately, trust, reliability, and shared values are the foundations of a successful mutual assistance group. Start taking action today and build your tribe based on the principles of TRUST.